Without a Water Level Controller, a single setup can waste up to 220,000 liters of water annually.

While there are 300 million households in India but water tanks with motor is installed in far more places than anyone can imagine.

  • This setup is found everywhere, from residential complexes, markets, and shopping malls to showrooms, hospitals, schools, restaurants, salons, factories, and religious places.
  • This widespread use puts millions of tanks at daily risk of overflowing, leading to massive water wastage. As you read this, millions of liters of water is being lost due to overflowing tanks, Right now.

Water Wastage Calculator

Select Motor / Liters Per Minute
Minutes overrun / day
Number of devices

The Start Of A Water-Wise Era

Lets see the water savings we can achieve with 20,00,000 devices.

  • 20,00,000 devices x 600 liters/day = 1,20,00,00,000 liters/day
  • 20,00,000 devices x 2,19,000 liters/year = 4,38,00,00,00,000 liters/year

That's a daily savings of 120 crore liters of water, totaling a staggering 43,800 crore liters conserved annually.

With each additional device added to the network, the daily water savings will continually exceed expectations. As more devices join, the cumulative effect will drive unprecedented reductions in water usage, amplifying the positive impact on a global scale.

This change transforms the lives of millions of people on a daily basis, ensuring they have sufficient water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing clothes, and other essential household needs. This is a monumental step towards improving the quality of life for these people without access to clean water and securing a water rich future for all.

This water conservation effort acts as the butterfly effect, setting in motion a series of transformative changes. Enhanced water availability supports agriculture and industry, reduces healthcare costs, and propels economic growth. Reliable water sources uplift rural areas, fostering equitable and sustainable development. Access to clean water builds resilient, thriving communities, essential for long-term sustainability.

When you make saving water a priority, you inspire those around you to do the same.

Each inspired person is key to transforming how we view water conservation. Picture someone who doesn’t prioritize saving water because they see others not caring, and it feels like no one values it. But they don’t realize that true change starts with them. Once that one person becomes aware, they spark a shift, and everything changes.

Let’s Make Saving Water The New Cool Thing To Do.

This is The New Era Where Everyone is Environmentally Conscious! And it all starts with you.

India is facing its worst water crisis in history, with over 600 million people experiencing high to extreme water stress. Nearly 21 major cities, including Delhi and Bengaluru, are on the brink of running out of groundwater by 2025. Alarming groundwater depletion is accelerating, as 70% of the country's water sources are contaminated. The crisis threatens agriculture, industry, and everyday life, potentially displacing millions and severely impacting the economy. India urgently needs sustainable water management and conservation to avert a nationwide catastrophe.